eBay Product Scraping, Manta Data Scraping, Website Screen Scraping, Website Screen Scraping, Website Scraper, Scraping Data from Websites, Website Information Scraping, Web Scraping Services, Scraping Data from Websites, Website Information Scraping

Wednesday, 26 February 2014

Essay Assistance - Help With Essay Writing

Help with essay writing? Surely this must be frowned upon by the authorities. Academic writing should be the result of an individual's work, and a student should not ask for another writer to 'fix my essay'. That is certainly true of course, but there is a degree to which essay assistance is allowed, governed by a code of conduct set out by the universities.

There should be no plagiarism, of course, nor any 'ghosting', but online academic writing services exist for the important task of editing for 'clarity, flow and consistency.' The student can submit their essay for assessment in the vital areas of grammar, spelling and punctuation - and turnaround could be within 12 hours if necessary.

It can be very difficult to spot mistakes within one's own writing, academic or otherwise. This is one of the strengths of a professional proof-reading and editing service, which can correct grammar and spelling, sentence structure, and punctuation. This type of online service is always on hand, available 24-hours a day, all year round.

With essay assistance it is possible to submit your work for assessment, yet retain complete control of the finished assignment. The track changes function in Microsoft Word can be used to highlight any changes which have been made. These changes are suggestions only, which can be approved or amended when the document has been returned.

A lengthy essay such as a dissertation can certainly benefit from presentational essay assistance. Maintaining consistency throughout a dissertation is one of the challenges which can be difficult to optimise, and is easy to overlook. Such essay assistance may include the creation of pre-linked contents pages, management of heading and text formatting, inserting page breaks and cover pages, adding headers and footers, and creating dynamic referencing.

Grammatical style is another key element in the clear presentation of your work. Clarity of thought and the coherence of a well-plotted argument can be disguised by extended sub-clauses and the over-use of parentheses. If your reader is distracted from your main purpose then your most powerful points could be lost. This is an important aspect of essay assistance, and having your attention drawn to flaws in your grammatical style are far easier for a third party to identify. After all, you may know what you mean, but your reader must also be able to follow your line of thought.

There is no need to allow this to happen. If marks are lost due to failures in presentation or grammar, then a student will not only have undersold their true worth, but also wasted some of their energies. This is the significance of essay assistance, and with the ease of online access throughout the year it is a potential asset which should not be overlooked.


Tuesday, 25 February 2014

Internet Data Mining - How Does it Help Businesses?

Internet has become an indispensable medium for people to conduct different types of businesses and transactions too. This has given rise to the employment of different internet data mining tools and strategies so that they could better their main purpose of existence on the internet platform and also increase their customer base manifold.

Internet data-mining encompasses various processes of collecting and summarizing different data from various websites or webpage contents or make use of different login procedures so that they could identify various patterns. With the help of internet data-mining it becomes extremely easy to spot a potential competitor, pep up the customer support service on the website and make it more customers oriented.

There are different types of internet data_mining techniques which include content, usage and structure mining. Content mining focuses more on the subject matter that is present on a website which includes the video, audio, images and text. Usage mining focuses on a process where the servers report the aspects accessed by users through the server access logs. This data helps in creating an effective and an efficient website structure. Structure mining focuses on the nature of connection of the websites. This is effective in finding out the similarities between various websites.

Also known as web data_mining, with the aid of the tools and the techniques, one can predict the potential growth in a selective market regarding a specific product. Data gathering has never been so easy and one could make use of a variety of tools to gather data and that too in simpler methods. With the help of the data mining tools, screen scraping, web harvesting and web crawling have become very easy and requisite data can be put readily into a usable style and format. Gathering data from anywhere in the web has become as simple as saying 1-2-3. Internet data-mining tools therefore are effective predictors of the future trends that the business might take.

Source: http://ezinearticles.com/?Internet-Data-Mining---How-Does-it-Help-Businesses?&id=3860679

Data Mining As a Process

The data mining process is also known as knowledge discovery. It can be defined as the process of analyzing data from different perspectives and then summarizing the data into useful information in order to improve the revenue and cut the costs. The process enables categorization of data and the summary of the relationships is identified. When viewed in technical terms, the process can be defined as finding correlations or patterns in large relational databases. In this article, we look at how data mining works its innovations, the needed technological infrastructures and the tools such as phone validation.

Data mining is a relatively new term used in the data collection field. The process is very old but has evolved over the time. Companies have been able to use computers to shift over the large amounts of data for many years. The process has been used widely by the marketing firms in conducting market research. Through analysis, it is possible to define the regularity of customers shopping. How the items are bought. It is also possible to collect information needed for the establishment of revenue increase platform. Nowadays, what aides the process is the affordable and easy disk storage, computer processing power and applications developed.

Data extraction is commonly used by the companies that are after maintaining a stronger customer focus no matter where they are engaged. Most companies are engaged in retail, marketing, finance or communication. Through this process, it is possible to determine the different relationships between the varying factors. The varying factors include staffing, product positioning, pricing, social demographics, and market competition.

A data-mining program can be used. It is important note that the data mining applications vary in types. Some of the types include machine learning, statistical, and neural networks. The program is interested in any of the following four types of relationships: clusters (in this case the data is grouped in relation to the consumer preferences or logical relationships), classes (in this the data is stored and finds its use in the location of data in the per-determined groups), sequential patterns (in this case the data is used to estimate the behavioral patterns and patterns), and associations (data is used to identify associations).

In knowledge discovery, there are different levels of data analysis and they include genetic algorithms, artificial neural networks, nearest neighbor method, data visualization, decision trees, and rule induction. The level of analysis used depends on the data that is visualized and the output needed.

Nowadays, data extraction programs are readily available in different sizes from PC platforms, mainframe, and client/server. In the enterprise-wide uses, size ranges from the 10 GB to more than 11 TB. It is important to note that two crucial technological drivers are needed and are query complexity and, database size. When more data is needed to be processed and maintained, then a more powerful system is needed that can handle complex and greater queries.

With the emergence of professional data mining companies, the costs associated with process such as web data extraction, web scraping, web crawling and web data mining have greatly being made affordable.


Data Management Services

In recent studies it has been revealed that any business activity has astonishing huge volumes of data, hence the ideas has to be organized well and can be easily gotten when need arises. Timely and accurate solutions are important in facilitating efficiency in any business activity. With the emerging professional outsourcing and data organizing companies nowadays many services are offered that matches the various kinds of managing the data collected and various business activities. This article looks at some of the benefits that accrue of offered by the professional data mining companies.

Entering of data

These kinds of services are quite significant since they help in converting the data that is needed in high ideal and format that is digitized. In internet some of this data can found that is original and handwritten. In printed paper documents and or text are not likely to contain electronic or needed formats. The best example in this context is books that need to be converted to e-books. In insurance companies they also depend on this process in processing the claims of insurance and at the same time apply to the law firms that offer support to analyze and process legal documents.


That is referred to as electronic data. This method is mostly used by clinical researchers and other related organization in medical. The electronic data and capture methods are used in the utilization in managing trials and research. The data mining and data management services are given in upcoming databases for studies. The ideas contained can easily be captured, other services being done and the survey taken.

Data changing

This is the process of converting data found in one format to another. Data extraction process often involves mining data from an existing system, formatting it, cleansing it and can be installed to enhance both availability and retrieving of information easily. Extensive testing and application are the requirements of this process. The service offered by data mining companies includes SGML conversion, XML conversion, CAD conversion, HTML conversion, image conversion.

Managing data service

In this service it involves the conversion of documents. It is where one character of a text may need to be converted to another. If we take an example it is easy to change image, video or audio file formats to other applications of the software that can be played or displayed. In indexing and scanning is where the services are mostly offered.

Data extraction and cleansing

Significant information and sequences from huge databases and websites extraction firms use this kind of service. The data harvested is supposed to be in a productive way and should be cleansed to increase the quality. Both manual and automated data cleansing services are offered by data mining organizations. This helps to ensure that there is accuracy, completeness and integrity of data. Also we keep in mind that data mining is never enough.

Web scraping, data extraction services, web extraction, imaging, catalog conversion, web data mining and others are the other management services offered by data mining organization. If your business organization needs such services here is one that can be of great significance that is web scraping and data mining


Sunday, 23 February 2014

Google Wants Content: How To Adjust Your SEO Strategy

SEO strategies have to be at the heart of any business that wants to succeed in the online world in 2014. But SEO strategy means something different than it did one decade ago, five years ago, or even last year. If your SEO strategy places a great emphasis on link building, you may find that your SEO influence has waned recently. While links connecting to your content are important, it is content itself that is becoming the most important aspect of an SEO strategy and what pleases Google the most. Here are a few things that you can do in 2014 to improve your content offering and make Google happy.

Create Content That Answers Questions

With Google’s latest Hummingbird algorithm it has been announced that the company’s focus has moved away from keywords and on to content. This means that picking out keywords that your target audience searches for and stuffing them into any piece of content is not going to work as part of a successful SEO strategy.

Google’s aim is for its search function to behave in a way that is closer to the way that humans behave. Humans do not stuff keywords into their daily lives – they have problems and they find solutions, they ask questions and receive answers. In order for your content to lead to improved SEO, you need to create content that answers the questions of real people. This is not as simple as creating a keyword dense meta-tag but it will be more meaningful to your target audience, and Google will like you more too.

Consider Long Form Content

The world is so focused on the influence of social media that it can be easy to forget that people also like to read long form content. While the power of Twitter and its 140 character platform has grown exponentially over the last few years, so has the eBook market. Contrary to popular belief, our smartphone and social media culture has not completely dominated our lives and we still enjoy getting stuck into a long read. And we are not the only ones – Google really likes it too.

When you create a post about a niche topic that delves into thousands of words, not everybody is going to want to read it – but not everyone needs to. Just like great businesses, all great content operates within a niche. Creating long-form content for a particular niche demonstrates that you can provide useful and meaningful content for an audience, and Google will rank your content more highly as a result.

Create New Content Regularly

Creating long-form content is a great idea, but if you simply post one 1000 word blog on your website every six months, you are going to see very limited SEO benefits. In order to compete with the multitude of content creators on the internet, you not only have to be answering questions, creating genuinely useful posts, and posting long-form content, you need to be doing this on a regular basis. It is a great idea to form a content plan so that you can ensure you are working towards content being posted at regular intervals. Both your audience and Google will appreciate this and you will see improvements in your SEO over time if your efforts are sustained.

Source: http://www.business2community.com/seo/google-wants-content-adjust-seo-strategy-0779493#!wIljJ

Friday, 21 February 2014

Snowden Used Basic Web Scraping Tools In NSA Breach

Edward Snowden, the man behind the explosive leaks on mass surveillance carried out by the National Security Agency and GCHQ, used widely-available web crawlers to grab the data he needed from the US intelligence body.

The reports have caused concern over the NSA’s abilities to prevent insider attacks, as the simple software used should have triggered security warnings.

Whilst working as an NSA contractor for Booz Allen Hamilton in Hawaii, it’s believed he used the crawlers, which usually carry out legitimate searching and indexing of websites, as he went about his day job, according to a senior intelligence official speaking with the New York Times.

Snowden’s insider attack

“We do not believe this was an individual sitting at a machine and downloading this much material in sequence,” the source said.

The insider attack should have been easily detected, especially given Chelsea Manning (then known as Bradley Manning) had made off with US government data three years earlier before she handed it over to WikiLeaks. Manning was said to have used similarly automated techniques to acquire files.

Snowden, who used the scraping technique to make off with 1.7 million files, likely benefitted from working at a contractor rather than inside the NSA headquarters at Fort Meade, where better security controls were in place.

He was questioned a number of times about his activities, but explained them away by saying it was simply part of his job as a systems administrator to do network maintenance.

In a new book called “The Snowden Files”, by Guardian correspondent Luke Harding, the author claims Snowden actively sought a job at Booz Allen, as it granted him more security privileges than his previous employer, Dell.

Snowden, in a statement delivered through his lawyer at the American Civil Liberties Union, said: “It’s ironic that officials are giving classified information to journalists in an effort to discredit me for giving classified information to journalists. The difference is that I did so to inform the public about the government’s actions, and they’re doing so to misinform the public about mine.”

It was previously reported Snowden was able to gain access to various parts of the NSA network after he convinced colleagues to hand over passwords.

Source: http://www.techweekeurope.co.uk/news/snowden-web-crawlers-nsa-insider-attack-138576