eBay Product Scraping, Manta Data Scraping, Website Screen Scraping, Website Screen Scraping, Website Scraper, Scraping Data from Websites, Website Information Scraping, Web Scraping Services, Scraping Data from Websites, Website Information Scraping

Monday, 29 December 2014

How To Access Information About PDF Data Scraping?

Scraping a way that the output of data from another program to extract data is used by a computer program can be heard. Simply put, this is a process of automatically sorting the information from the Internet, even within an HTML file can be found in various sources, including PDF documents and others. There is also a collection of relevant information. This information to the database or spreadsheet, allowing users to retrieve them later will be included.

Most websites today can be viewed and written text in the source code is simple. However, there are other companies that currently use Adobe PDF or Portable Document Format to choose from. This file is a type known as just the free Adobe Acrobat to be viewed using the software. Supports virtually all operating software, said. There are many advantages when you choose to create PDF files. Those document you just the same, even if you put it in another computer, so you can see it look. Therefore, business documents or completes the data sheet. Of course there are drawbacks. One of these is included in the text is converted into an image. In this case, it is often the problem with this is that when it comes to copy and paste, and could be.

That's why some are starting to scrape the information PDF. It is often said that the only scraping process information in your PDF file PDF is like to get data. PDF to start scraping the information from you, choose a device specially designed for this process must benefit. However, you feel that you have the right tools too effectively scrape PDF will be able to perform is not easy to detect. This is because the equipment is exactly the same data access without having personal problems.

However, if you look good, you look at programs that you may encounter. You have to know programming; you do not need to use them. You can easily specify their preferences for the software you use will do the rest. There are companies out there that you contact them and they work because they have the right tools they can use to be. If you choose to do things yourself, you will find it really difficult and complicated compared to professionals working for you, they will at no time possible. PDF scraping of information is a process whereby information can be found on the Internet and not copyright infringement to collect.

Well I hope you now understand how to scrape data in various forms. If you do not understand then go for one of the sites I mention below in the box of the author. We offer a variety of data services, such as HTML scraping services, the crop Scraping Web Services Web Content, Email Id scraping, scraping data ownership, data Linkedin scraping, scraping data Hotels, pharmaceutical Scraping data, Business Contact Scraping, Data Scraping For University etc. If you have any doubts, please feel free to ask us without hesitation. We will certainly be useful for you. Thank you.


Sunday, 28 December 2014

Scraping By

In his classic 1976 Chesapeake portrait, Beautiful Swimmers, William Warner described the scrape boat as "a workboat unlike any other I had ever seen on the Bay." Seeming half as wide as it was long, he said, it looked like a "a miniature battleship." There's a reason for that, of course. It's a classic case of form following function; the boat evolved for one purpose, to ply the Bay's grassy shallows for shedding blue crabs.

Said to "float on a heavy dew," scrape boats run from 26 to 30 feet long and 9 to 10 feet wide. The hull is a shallow-V deadrise that quickly flattens toward the stern, enabling the boat to pull its twin scrapes—rectangular steel frames, each with a trailing mesh bag—in knee-deep waters. The broad beam might sound ungainly, but the hull tapers toward the stern—betraying its sailboat origins. And it has a graceful sheer, flowing from a bow height of a few feet to little more than a foot above the water amidships.

And you want a low freeboard when you spend the whole day hoisting aboard scrapes, which weigh 50 pounds apiece, not including the load of sea grass and crabs that come in too. Low sides or not, there's a higher than average inci-dence of back problems among scrape boat crabbers. They spend long days bending in precisely the position back doctors say puts undue pressure on the lower back as they sort through rolls of grasses to pluck out the peelers and softies. And that alone may be why crab potting is now the far more common way of catching soft crabs.

Some people think that's good, assuming that dragging a scrape across the Bay's beleaguered grass flats must be destructive. But the smooth bar of the scrape, unlike a toothed dredge, doesn't uproot grasses. In fact, where scraping is traditional, the grass beds seem relatively resilient. I've often thought if Maryland and Virginia had stuck with scraping as the major legal way to soft-crab, overfishing might not have become a problem. Pots can be deployed everywhere and by the thousands, whereas scraping is limited to grass beds and to ground covered at three miles per hour; and even the sturdiest waterman can only pull two of them by hand. But peeler pots seem here to stay, and other soft crabbers have taken to using a single, large scrape operated from larger workboats by hydraulic power.

The bottom line is that these lovely, superbly functional expressions of Chesapeake crabbing culture now number only in the dozens, if you count working, wooden models. There are some fiberglass scrape boat hulls in service, and a Carolina skiff or two has been adapted for the task. They are functional, but have little art to them.

It is probably a sign of how fast scrape boats are going that the Smithsonian Institution recently took the lines off Darlene, a scraper worked by Morris Marsh of Smith Island, for its archives. You can see photos of scrape boats, and learn more about the 140-year old history of scraping, from Paula Johnson's fine book, The Workboats of Smith Island. Mr. Marsh, still going strong in his late 60s, is the scraper who took Warner out nearly 40 years ago when he was researching Beautiful Swimmers.

Indeed, scraping seems to win over those who master it. Marsh's father-in-law, Ed Harrison, scraped for almost 70 years, nearly wearing through the cross-planked bottom of his boat—from the inside—with decades of walking the planks, tending his scrapes. And an islander who scrapes with Marsh today, David Laird, says he is 71—one year younger than Scotty Boy, the scrape boat he took over from his dad in 1958. "I wouldn't even know how to crab in another boat," Laird says.

Soft crabs may well be caught—or farmed—a century from now on the Chesapeake; but no one will devise a way to take them so intimately and beautifully from the shallowest marsh edges and tiniest crevices in the shore as the scrapers do.


Wednesday, 24 December 2014

Data Mining for Dollars

The more you know, the more you're aware you could be saving. And the deeper you dig, the richer the reward.

That's today's data mining capsulation of your realization: awareness of cost-saving options amid logistical obligations.

According to global trade group Association for Information and Image Management (AIIM), fewer than 25% of organizations in North America and Europe are currently utilizing captured data as part of their business process. With high ease and low cost associated with utilization of their information, this unawareness is shocking. And costly.

Shippers - you're in prime position to benefit the most by data mining and assessing your electronically-captured billing records, by utilizing a freight bill processing provider, to realize and receive significant savings.

Whatever your volume, the more you know about your transportation options, throughout all modes, the easier it is to ship smarter and save. A freight bill processor is able to offer insight capable of saving you 5% - 15% annually on your transportation expenditures.

The University of California - Los Angeles states that data mining is the process of analyzing data from different perspectives and summarizing it into useful information - knowledge that can be used to increase revenue, cuts costs, or both. Data mining software is an analytical tool that allows investigation of data from many different dimensions, categorize it, and summarize the relationships identified. Technically, data mining is the process of finding correlations among dozens of fields in large relational databases. Practically, it leads you to noticeable shipping savings.

Data mining and subsequent reporting of shipping activity will yield discovery of timely, actionable information that empowers you to make the best logistics decisions based on carrier options, along with associated routes, rates and fees. This function also provides a deeper understanding of trends, opportunities, weaknesses and threats. Exploration of pertinent data, in any combination over any time period, enables you the operational and financial view of your functional flow, ultimately providing you significant cost savings.

With data mining, you can create a report based on a radius from a ship point, or identify opportunities for service or modal shifts, providing insight regarding carrier usage by lane, volume, average cost per pound, shipment size and service type. Performance can be measured based on overall shipping expenditures, variances from trends in costs, volumes and accessorial charges.

The easiest way to get into data mining of your transportation information is to form an alliance with a freight bill processor that provides this independent analytical tool, and utilize their unbiased technologies and related abilities to make shipping decisions that'll enable you to ship smarter and save.


Monday, 22 December 2014

Scraping table from any web page with R or CloudStat

Scraping table from any web page with R or CloudStat:

You need to use the data from internet, but don’t type, you can just extract or scrape them if you know the web URL.

Thanks to XML package from R. It provides amazing readHTMLtable() function.

For a study case,

I want to scrape data:

    US Airline Customer Score.
    World Top Chess Players (Men).

A. Scraping US Airline Customer Score table from



airline = ‘http://www.theacsi.org/index.php?option=com_content&view=article&id=147&catid=&Itemid=212&i=Airlines’

airline.table = readHTMLTable(airline, header=T, which=1,stringsAsFactors=F)


> library(XML)

Warning message:

package "XML" was built under R version 2.14.1

> airline = "http://www.theacsi.org/index.php?option=com_content&view=article&id=147&catid=&Itemid=212&i=Airlines"
> airline.table = readHTMLTable(airline, header=T, which=1,stringsAsFactors=F)
> airline.table

                     Base-line 95 96 97 98 99 00 01 02 03 04 05 06 07 08 09 10
1          Southwest        78 76 76 76 74 72 70 70 74 75 73 74 74 76 79 81 79
2         All Others        NM 70 74 70 62 67 63 64 72 74 73 74 74 75 75 77 75
3           Airlines        72 69 69 67 65 63 63 61 66 67 66 66 65 63 62 64 66
4        Continental        67 64 66 64 66 64 62 67 68 68 67 70 67 69 62 68 71
5           American        70 71 71 62 67 64 63 62 63 67 66 64 62 60 62 60 63
6             United        71 67 70 68 65 62 62 59 64 63 64 61 63 56 56 56 60
7         US Airways        72 67 66 68 65 61 62 60 63 64 62 57 62 61 54 59 62
8              Delta        77 72 67 69 65 68 66 61 66 67 67 65 64 59 60 64 62
9 Northwest Airlines        69 71 67 64 63 53 62 56 65 64 64 64 61 61 57 57 61

  11 PreviousYear%Change FirstYear%Change

1 81                 2.5              3.8
3 65                -1.5             -9.7
4 64                -9.9             -4.5
5 63                 0.0            -10.0
7 61                -1.6            -15.3
8 56                -9.7            -27.3
9  #                 N/A              N/A


B. Scraping World Top Chess players (Men) table from http://ratings.fide.com/top.phtml?list=men


chess = ‘http://ratings.fide.com/top.phtml?list=men’
chess.table = readHTMLTable(chess, header=T, which=5,stringsAsFactors=F)


> chess = "http://ratings.fide.com/top.phtml?list=men"
> chess.table = readHTMLTable(chess, header=T, which=5,stringsAsFactors=F)
> chess.table

     Rank                       Name Title Country Rating Games B-Year

1      1           Carlsen, Magnus    g    NOR  2835   17  1990
2      2            Aronian, Levon    g    ARM  2805   25  1982
3      3         Kramnik, Vladimir    g    RUS  2801   17  1975
4      4        Anand, Viswanathan    g    IND  2799   17  1969
5      5         Radjabov, Teimour    g    AZE  2773    9  1987
6      6          Topalov, Veselin    g    BUL  2770    9  1975
7      7          Karjakin, Sergey    g    RUS  2769   16  1990
8      8         Ivanchuk, Vassily    g    UKR  2766   16  1969
9      9     Morozevich, Alexander    g    RUS  2763    6  1977
10    10           Gashimov, Vugar    g    AZE  2761    9  1986
11    11       Grischuk, Alexander    g    RUS  2761    8  1983
12    12          Nakamura, Hikaru    g    USA  2759   17  1987
13    13            Svidler, Peter    g    RUS  2749   17  1976
14    14    Mamedyarov, Shakhriyar    g    AZE  2747    9  1985
15    15       Tomashevsky, Evgeny    g    RUS  2740    0  1987
16    16            Gelfand, Boris    g    ISR  2739    9  1968
17    17          Caruana, Fabiano    g    ITA  2736   19  1992
18    18       Nepomniachtchi, Ian    g    RUS  2735   16  1990
19    19                 Wang, Hao    g    CHN  2733    6  1989
20    20              Kamsky, Gata    g    USA  2732    0  1974
21    21  Dominguez Perez, Leinier    g    CUB  2730    6  1983
22    22         Jakovenko, Dmitry    g    RUS  2729    0  1983
23    23        Ponomariov, Ruslan    g    UKR  2727   13  1983
24    24          Vitiugov, Nikita    g    RUS  2726    1  1987
25    25            Adams, Michael    g    ENG  2724   17  1971
26    26               Leko, Peter    g    HUN  2720    9  1979
27    27            Almasi, Zoltan    g    HUN  2717    8  1976
28    28               Giri, Anish    g    NED  2714   15  1994
29    29            Le, Quang Liem    g    VIE  2714    0  1991
30    30             Navara, David    g    CZE  2712    8  1985
31    31            Shirov, Alexei    g    LAT  2710   13  1972
32    32             Polgar, Judit    g    HUN  2710    0  1976
33    33     Riazantsev, Alexander    g    RUS  2710    0  1985
34    34       Wojtaszek, Radoslaw    g    POL  2706    8  1987
35    35      Moiseenko, Alexander    g    UKR  2706    7  1980
36    36   Vallejo Pons, Francisco    g    ESP  2705   15  1982
37    37        Malakhov, Vladimir    g    RUS  2705    0  1980
38    38            Jobava, Baadur    g    GEO  2704   23  1983
39    39           Bacrot, Etienne    g    FRA  2704   14  1983
40    40          Laznicka, Viktor    g    CZE  2704    8  1988
41    41            Sutovsky, Emil    g    ISR  2703    8  1977
42    42        Naiditsch, Arkadij    g    GER  2702   14  1985
43    43         Movsesian, Sergei    g    ARM  2700    9  1978
44    44       Sasikiran, Krishnan    g    IND  2700    9  1981
45    45   Vachier-Lagrave, Maxime    g    FRA  2699   13  1990
46    46            Dreev, Aleksey    g    RUS  2698    6  1969
47    47           Efimenko, Zahar    g    UKR  2695    8  1985
48    48         Volokitin, Andrei    g    UKR  2695    0  1986
49    49                 Wang, Yue    g    CHN  2694    6  1987
50    50        Fressinet, Laurent    g    FRA  2693   17  1981
51    51                Li, Chao b    g    CHN  2693    6  1989
52    52            Grachev, Boris    g    RUS  2693    0  1986
53    53      Nielsen, Peter Heine    g    DEN  2693    0  1973
54    54            Van Wely, Loek    g    NED  2692   13  1972
55    55    Bruzon Batista, Lazaro    g    CUB  2691   19  1982
56    56           McShane, Luke J    g    ENG  2691    8  1984
57    57            Eljanov, Pavel    g    UKR  2690   10  1983
58    58      Kasimdzhanov, Rustam    g    UZB  2689   14  1979
59    59         Inarkiev, Ernesto    g    RUS  2689    6  1985
60    60         Zvjaginsev, Vadim    g    RUS  2688    8  1976
61    61         Andreikin, Dmitry    g    RUS  2688    0  1990
62    62    Areshchenko, Alexander    g    UKR  2688    0  1986
63    63         Rublevsky, Sergei    g    RUS  2686    0  1974
64    64         Akopian, Vladimir    g    ARM  2685    8  1971
65    65          Potkin, Vladimir    g    RUS  2684    0  1982
66    66       Sargissian, Gabriel    g    ARM  2683   15  1983
67    67            Berkes, Ferenc    g    HUN  2682   16  1985
68    68           Bologan, Viktor    g    MDA  2680   15  1971
69    69          Bauer, Christian    g    FRA  2679   24  1977
70    70          Tiviakov, Sergei    g    NED  2677   22  1973
71    71            Short, Nigel D    g    ENG  2677   15  1965
72    72        Motylev, Alexander    g    RUS  2677    6  1979
73    73         Gharamian, Tigran    g    FRA  2676    0  1984
74    74          Kobalia, Mikhail    g    RUS  2673    0  1978
75    75              Meier, Georg    g    GER  2671    9  1987
76    76       Onischuk, Alexander    g    USA  2670   13  1975
77    77              Bu, Xiangzhi    g    CHN  2670    6  1985
78    78          Alekseev, Evgeny    g    RUS  2670    0  1985
79    79            Azarov, Sergei    g    BLR  2667    0  1983
80    80        Kryvoruchko, Yuriy    g    UKR  2666    0  1986
81    81             Balogh, Csaba    g    HUN  2665    8  1987
82    82           Harikrishna, P.    g    IND  2665    6  1986
83    83       Khismatullin, Denis    g    RUS  2664    8  1984
84    84   Nguyen, Ngoc Truong Son    g    VIE  2662    6  1990
85    85           Fridman, Daniel    g    GER  2660   11  1976
86    86              Smirin, Ilia    g    ISR  2660    7  1968
87    87               Ding, Liren    g    CHN  2660    6  1992
88    88         Sadler, Matthew D    g    ENG  2660    3  1974
89    89            Korobov, Anton    g    UKR  2660    0  1985
90    90          Cheparinov, Ivan    g    BUL  2659   18  1986
91    91          Timofeev, Artyom    g    RUS  2659    0  1985
92    92           Georgiev, Kiril    g    BUL  2658   17  1965
93    93           Bartel, Mateusz    g    POL  2658    9  1985
94    94          Zhigalko, Sergei    g    BLR  2658    8  1989
95    95         Feller, Sebastien    g    FRA  2658    0  1991
96    96            Ragger, Markus    g    AUT  2655   17  1988
97    97         Jones, Gawain C B    g    ENG  2653   27  1987
98    98                So, Wesley    g    PHI  2653    5  1993
99    99              Milov, Vadim    g    SUI  2653    0  1972
100  100           Gupta, Abhijeet    g    IND  2652    9  1989
101  101            Postny, Evgeny    g    ISR  2652    8  1981
102  102             Roiz, Michael    g    ISR  2652    6  1983
103  103           Gyimesi, Zoltan    g    HUN  2652    4  1977
104  104          Nikolic, Predrag    g    BIH  2652    2  1960


Done. You had successfully scraping data from any web page with R or CloudStat.

Then, you can analyze as usual! Great! No more retype the data. Enjoy!

Source: http://www.r-bloggers.com/scraping-table-from-any-web-page-with-r-or-cloudstat/

Thursday, 18 December 2014

Basic Information About Tooth Extraction Cost

In order to maintain the good health of teeth, one must be devoted and must take proper care of one's teeth. Dentists play a huge role in this regard and their support is important in making people aware of their oral conditions, so that they receive the necessary health services concerning the problems of the mouth.

The flat fee of teeth-extraction varies from place to place. Nonetheless, there are still some average figures that people can refer to. Simple extraction of teeth might cause around 75 pounds, but if people need to remove the wisdom teeth, the extraction cost would be higher owing to the complexity of extraction involved.

There are many ways people can adopt in order to reduce the cost of extraction of tooth. For instance, they can purchase the insurance plans covering medical issues beforehand. When conditions arise that might require extraction, these insurance claims can take care of the costs involved.

Some of the dental clinics in the country are under the network of Medicare system. Therefore, it is possible for patients to make claims for these plans to reduce the amount of money expended in this field. People are not allowed to make insurance claims while they undergo cosmetic dental care like diamond implants, but extraction of teeth is always regarded as a necessity for patients; so most of the claims that are made in this front are settled easily.

It is still possible for them to pay less at the moment of the treatment, even if they have not opted for dental insurance policies. Some of the clinics offer plans which would allow patients to pay the tooth extraction cost in the form of installments. This is one of the better ways that people can consider if they are unable to pay the entire cost of tooth extraction immediately.

In fact, the cost of extracting one tooth is not very high and it is affordable to most people. Of course, if there are many other oral problems that you encounter, the extraction cost would be higher. Dentists would also consider the other problems you have and charge you additional fees accordingly. Not brushing the teeth regularly might aid in the development of plaque and this can make the cost of tooth extraction higher.

Maintaining a good oral health is important and it reflects the overall health of an individual.

To conclude, you need to know the information about cost of extraction so you can get the right service and must also follow certain easy practices to reduce the tooth extraction cost.


Tuesday, 16 December 2014

Importance of Data Mining Services in Business

Data mining is used in re-establishment of hidden information of the data of the algorithms. It helps to extract the useful information starting from the data, which can be useful to make practical interpretations for the decision making.

It can be technically defined as automated extraction of hidden information of great databases for the predictive analysis. In other words, it is the retrieval of useful information from large masses of data, which is also presented in an analyzed form for specific decision-making. Although data mining is a relatively new term, the technology is not. It is thus also known as Knowledge discovery in databases since it grip searching for implied information in large databases.

It is primarily used today by companies with a strong customer focus - retail, financial, communication and marketing organizations. It is having lot of importance because of its huge applicability. It is being used increasingly in business applications for understanding and then predicting valuable data, like consumer buying actions and buying tendency, profiles of customers, industry analysis, etc. It is used in several applications like market research, consumer behavior, direct marketing, bioinformatics, genetics, text analysis, e-commerce, customer relationship management and financial services.

However, the use of some advanced technologies makes it a decision making tool as well. It is used in market research, industry research and for competitor analysis. It has applications in major industries like direct marketing, e-commerce, customer relationship management, scientific tests, genetics, financial services and utilities.

Data mining consists of major elements:

•    Extract and load operation data onto the data store system.
•    Store and manage the data in a multidimensional database system.
•    Provide data access to business analysts and information technology professionals.
•    Analyze the data by application software.
•    Present the data in a useful format, such as a graph or table.

The use of data mining in business makes the data more related in application. There are several kinds of data mining: text mining, web mining, relational databases, graphic data mining, audio mining and video mining, which are all used in business intelligence applications. Data mining software is used to analyze consumer data and trends in banking as well as many other industries.


Monday, 15 December 2014

Scraping bids out for SS United States

Yesterday we posted that the Independence Seaport Museum doesn’t have the money to support the upkeep of the USS Olympia nor does it have the money to dredge the channel to tow her away.  On the other side of the river the USS New Jersey Battleship Museum is also having financial troubles. Given the current troubles centered around the Delaware River it almost seems a shame to report that the SS United States, which has been sitting of at Pier 84 in South Philadelphia for the last fourteen years,  is now being inspected by scrap dealers.  Then again, she is a rusting, gutted shell.  Perhaps it is time to let the old lady go.    As reported in Maritime Matters:


An urgent message was sent out today to the SS United States Conservancy alerting members that the fabled liner, currently laid up at Philadelphia, is being inspected by scrap merchants.

“Dear SS United States Conservancy Members and Supporters:

The SS United States Conservancy has learned that America’s national flagship, the SS United States, may soon be destroyed. The ship’s current owners, Genting Hong Kong (formerly Star Cruises Limited), through its subsidiary, Norwegian Cruise Line (NCL), are currently collecting bids from scrappers.

The ship’s current owners listed the vessel for sale in February, 2009. While NCL graciously offered the Conservancy first right of refusal on the vessel’s sale, the Conservancy has not been in a financial position to purchase the ship outright. However, the Conservancy has been working diligently to lay the groundwork for a public-private partnership to save and sustain the ship for generations to come.


Friday, 12 December 2014

Scrape it – Save it – Get it

I imagine I’m talking to a load of developers. Which is odd seeing as I’m not a developer. In fact, I decided to lose my coding virginity by riding the ScraperWiki digger! I’m a journalist interested in data as a beat so all I need to do is scrape. All my programming will be done on ScraperWiki, as such this is the only coding home I know. So if you’re new to ScraperWiki and want to make the site a scraping home-away-from-home, here are the basics for scraping, saving and downloading your data:

With these three simple steps you can take advantage of what ScraperWiki has to offer – writing, running and debugging code in an easy to use editor; collaborative coding with chat and user viewing functions; a dashboard with all your scrapers in one place; examples, cheat sheets and documentation; a huge range of libraries at your disposal; a datastore with API callback; and email alerts to let you know when your scrapers break.

So give it a go and let us know what you think!


Thursday, 11 December 2014

Ethics in data journalism: mass data gathering – scraping, FOI and deception

Mass data gathering – scraping, FOI, deception and harm

The data journalism practice of ‘scraping’ – getting a computer to capture information from online sources – raises some ethical issues around deception and minimisation of harm. Some scrapers, for example, ‘pretend’ to be a particular web browser, or pace their scraping activity more slowly to avoid detection. But the deception is practised on another computer, not a human – so is it deception at all? And if the ‘victim’ is a computer, is there harm?

The tension here is between the ethics of virtue (“I do not deceive”) and teleological ethics (good or bad impact of actions). A scraper might include a small element of deception, but the act of scraping (as distinct from publishing the resulting information) harms no human. Most journalists can live with that.

The exception is where a scraper makes such excessive demands on a site that it impairs that site’s performance (because it is repetitively requesting so many pages in a small space of time). This not only negatively impacts on the experience of users of the site, but consequently the site’s publishers too (in many cases sites will block sources of heavy demand, breaking the scraper anyway).

Although the harm may be justified against a wider ‘public good’, it is unnecessary: a well designed scraper should not make such excessive demands, nor should it draw attention to itself by doing so. The person writing such a scraper should ensure that it does not run more often than is necessary, or that it runs more slowly to spread the demands on the site being scraped. Notably in this regard, ProPublica’s scraping project Upton “helps you be a good citizen [by avoiding] hitting the site you’re scraping with requests that are unnecessary because you’ve already downloaded a certain page” (Merrill, 2013).

Attempts to minimise that load can itself generate ethical concerns. The creator of seminal data journalism projects chicagocrime.org and Everyblock, Adrian Holovaty, addresses some of these in his series on ‘Sane data updates’ and urges being upfront about

    “which parts of the data might be out of date, how often it’s updated, which bits of the data are updated … and any other peculiarities about your process … Any application that repurposes data from another source has an obligation to explain how it gets the data … The more transparent you are about it, the better.” (Holovaty, 2013)

Publishing scraped data in full does raise legal issues around the copyright and database rights surrounding that information. The journalist should decide whether the story can be told accurately without publishing the full data.

Issues raised by scraping can also be applied to analogous methods using simple email technology, such as the mass-generation of Freedom of Information requests. Sending the same FOI request to dozens or hundreds of authorities results in a significant pressure on, and cost to, public authorities, so the public interest of the question must justify that, rather than its value as a story alone. Journalists must also check the information is not accessible through other means before embarking on a mass-email.

Source: http://onlinejournalismblog.com/2013/09/18/ethics-in-data-journalism-mass-data-gathering-scraping-foi-and-deception/

Monday, 8 December 2014

Finding & Removing Spam Blogs Who Scrape Content Onto Free Hosted Blogs

The more popular you become in the blogging world, the more crap you have to deal with!
Content scraping is one chore that can be dealt with swiftly once you understand what to do.
This post contains links which you can use to quickly and easily report content scrapers and spam blogs.
Please share this post and help clean up spam blogs and punish content scrapers.
First step is to find your url’s which have been scraped of content and then get the scrapers spam blog removed.

Some of the tools i use to do this are:

    Google Webmaster Tools
    Google Alerts

Finding Scraped Content
Login to your Google Webmaster Tools account and go to traffic > links to your site.
You should see something like this:
Webmaster Tools Links to Your Site

The first domain is a site which has copied and embedded my homepage which i have already dealt with.
The second site is a search engine.
The third domain is the one i want to deal with.

A common method scrapers use is to post the scraped content from your rss feed on to a free hosted blog like WordPress.com or blogger.com.

Once you click the WordPress.com link in webmaster tools, you’ll find all the url’s which have been scraped.
Links to Your Site

There’s 32 url’s which have been linked to so its simply a matter of clicking each of your links and finding the culprits.

The first link is my homepage which has been linked to by legit domains like WordPress developers.
The others are mainly linked to by spam blogs who have scraped the content and used a free hosted service which in this case is WordPress.com.
WordPress.com Links to Your Site
 Reporting & Removing Spam Blogs

Once you have the url’s of the content scraping blogs as seen in the screenshot above:

    Fill in this basic form to report spam to WordPress.com
    Fill in this form to report copyright content to WordPress.com
    Use this form to report Blogspot and Blogger.com content which has been scraped.
    Fill in one of these forms to remove content from Google

Google Alerts

Its very easy to setup a Google alert to find your post titles when they get scraped.
If you’ve setup the WordPress SEO plugin correctly, you should have included your site title at the end of all your post titles.
Then all you need to do is setup a Google alert for your site title and you’ll be notified every time a scraper links to your content.

Link Notifications

You may also receive a pingback or trackback if you have this feature enabled in your discussion settings.

Link Notifications
RSS Feed Links

Most content scrapers use automated software to scrape the content from RSS feeds.
Make sure you configure your Reading settings so only a summary is displayed.
Reading Settings Feed Summary

Next step is to configure the settings in Yoast’s SEO plugin so links back to your site are included in all RSS feed post summaries.

RSS Feed Links

This will help search engines identify you and your domain as the original author of the content.
There’s other services like copyscape and dmca which can help you protect your sites content if you’re prepared to pay a premium.
That’s it folks.
Its easy to find and get spam sites removed once you know what to do.
Hope you don’t have to deal with this garbage to often.
Ever found out your content has been scraped?
What did you do about it?

Source: http://wpsites.net/blogging/content-scraping-monitoring-and-prevention-tips/